Yautja Blood

Anna Gonsalves touching a leaf covered in Yautja blood.

"Might Bruno Borgia fathered a stunted weakling...but you made him strong."
Scarface to Hunter Borgia, taunting him before killing him.

Yautja blood is a neon green bioluminescent substance that originates from Yautja. It has been known to be warm when spilt, implying the Yautja are warm-blooded creatures,[1] although this could be due to the thermal netting warming the Yautja's body and therefore its blood.


Yautja blood is a neon green bioluminescent substance that originates from a Yautja's body. The substance is known to be life giving, which gives virtually any known species an extended lifespan. This was first discovered by Hunter Borgia, who utilized the blood in order to keep himself alive after a century. However, it needs to be constantly used in order for him to remain alive.[2] Li Yat Sen was another human who consumed hunters into order to maintain his youth, only he would take entire organs from the Yautja instead of just their blood.

Feral Predator's bleeding leg

The Feral Predator's leg bleeding after being caught in a bear trap

Additionally, it would seem evolution plays a specific role in the Predator's blood as seen with the Feral Predator: due to being more evolved for a more desert-based environment, the Feral Predator features several distinct adaptations not seen in other Yautja, including its blood. Despite being green, the Feral Predator's blood is uniquely different in that it is a darker shade of green, and is noticeably less luminous than other Yautjas' blood.

Another aspect of the blood is that it can be somewhat chunky and mostly liquid at the time. Yautja blood is also known to possess the ability to partially neutralize Xenomorph corrosive blood.[3]

The blood has been described as hot and sweet smelling, suggesting that Yautja are naturally warm blooded.

Behind the Scenes[]

For filming, the Predator's distinctive glowing blood was created by simply mixing the contents of glow sticks with K-Y Jelly lubricant.[4] As the glow stick mixture only maintains its luminosity for a short time, it had to be made fresh on set.

