
Subotai was an immortal Japanese samurai who'd been fighting Predators since they arrived on Earth, and became part of Spearhead.

Behind the Scenes[]

Timeline issues and contradictions[]

In Aliens versus Predator: Eternal (also written by Edginton) Gideon Suhn Lee mentions the myth/story of an immortal warrior named Subotai, the main character in Predator: Xenogenesis, who first gained extended life by eating the flesh of the Predators. However, Lee mentions that Subotai died after 200 years, while in Predator: Xenogensis, Subotai states that he has been alive far longer than that. Xenogenesis also appears to take place after the events of Eternal — the city of London is featured in Eternal and Becca McBride is shown with a copy of the London Times, whereas in Xenogenesis, it is mentioned that London has been submerged due to global warming and that Birmingham is now the capital of England. The reference to Subotai therefore only makes sense if one assumes that Lee is simply unaware that Subotai is still alive at the time of Eternal.

