"Working Joe's-Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant."
APOLLO (from Alien: Isolation)

Seegson synthetics or commonly referred to as "Working Joe's" are rudimentary androids encountered aboard the decommissioned space station Sevastopol in 2137.

The Seegson Corporation makes cheap rudimentary androids which they call "Working Joe's". Unlike other androids, they feature rubber skin, LED eyes, robotic voice, and lack facial movement. Most of which are encountered in-game are hostile towards the player or can become hostile upon attacking them. EMP grenades permanently stun them, giving you a chance to take them down.

Hostile synthetics will always talk in a calm voice when they are chasing you. They even greet people they recently killed.

Players can observe whether a Working Joe is friendly or not. White eyes represent them being friendly while red eyes represent them as hostiles.

They will attack and kill humans on sight whether they are armed or not and whether they caused harm or not.

The synthetics will not attack the Alien, no matter what. Friendly synthetics will simply ask the Alien "What are you?". They might often say "Unspecified Species", "Hazard Containment breached" and "Logging report to Apollo" even though nothing will happen after sending the report. Hostile synthetics will completely ignore the Alien and vice versa.


  • What are you? (Noticing a Xenomorph)
  • Unspecified species. (Noticing a Xenomorph)
  • How may I help you? (Friendly)
  • You are carrying some dangerous items. (Friendly)
  • Your presence has been logged. (Friendly)
  • Hmmm (As hostile, when noticing)
  • This could require my attention. (As hostile, when noticing)
  • Something amiss here? (As hostile, when noticing)
  • Strange. (As hostile, when noticing)
  • A gun. I should investigate. (When noticing a gun)
  • Something still amiss here. (Investigating)
  • A synthetic's work is never done. (Investigation finishes)
  • Abandoning search routines. (Investigation finishes)
  • I've been looking for you. (Finding you hiding in a locker)
  • Come with me, please. (Chasing)
  • Running causes accidents. (Chasing)
  • Don't run! (Chasing)
  • I just want to help you. (Chasing)
  • You're making me waste company time. (Chasing)
  • Let me help you. (Attacking)
  • Are you quite finished? (Attacking)
  • Tut, tut. (Getting attacked)
  • Now, now. (Getting attacked)
  • You are becoming hysterical. (Getting attacked)
  • This is futile. (Getting attacked)
  • My turn now. (Getting attacked)
  • Really? (Getting attacked)
  • Good day. (Killed someone)
  • I only wanted to help. (Killed someone)
  • Let's resolve this amicably. (Only heard when killing Hughes)


