
Scorpion Alien artwork from the Kenner Toys

The Scorpion Alien is a part of the Aliens toy line produced by Kenner Products. In the Human vs. Alien 2-pack the Scorpion Alien is black and silver. The toy could explode when a button on its back is pushed. A Facehugger was included with the toy.

While closely resembling a warrior, its color is red and at the end of its tail it possesses a sting which secretes a poison made to paralyze its victims.

In the second comic, Sergeant Apone is captured by Xenomorphs. Bishop and Corporal Hicks go into the Hive to rescue him and find the Scorpion Aliens. They kill two aliens, rescue Apone and find the Queen.

Kenner's description:

Origin: Desert planet of Tanaka 5

Colony: 39 workers, one Queen, 23 eggs

Beware: Spiked body armor, poison tipped tail

Destruct point: Missiles, grenades blow creature apart


The Scorpion Alien toy




  • The Scorpion Alien's stinger tail was likely inspired by the original script for Aliens, in which the Warriors would "sting" people with a barb on the tips of their tails, paralyzing them so that they could be taken to the Hive and cocooned.
  • The Scorpion Alien has a very similar function to the Boiler from Aliens: Colonial Marines as when shot or hit by a grenade both the Boiler and Scorpion Alien will explode, spraying anything and anyone in the immediate vicinity with highly corrosive acid destroying most of the surrounding environment in the process.
  • The Scorpion Alien toy was shipped with the Aliens: Space Marines mini-comic Aliens: Operation: Rescue.