"I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news. But we have the Orbolab's finding on your alien. It's been infected with a class ten virus."
The Commander to Director Drummond (from Aliens: Kidnapped)

A Xenomorph XX121AB Goreburster was born from TV show host Darryl Zither, and terrorized the luxury resort of Celeste. It was ultimately responsible for the resort's nuclear destruction following the revelation that the creature carried a highly dangerous contagion.

Characteristics and Traits[]


The Goreburster.

The Goreburster was a large, repulsive variant of a typical Xenomorph Chestburster. Unlike the normal coloration of an infant Alien, the Goreburster was a pale-grey color and notably possessed far more aggressive behavior - instead of finding a spot to hide and mature, it would actively hunt prey from birth and attack them on sight. The Goreburster had no evolutionary cycle after birth, and its life span was incredibly short, dying a mere few hours later.

Perhaps its most notable trait was the incredibly toxic and contagious pink residue that it secreted. If interacted with, this residue would cause a victim to suffer from bouts of delirium and madness, before bloating to horrific proportions and violently exploding. Once dry, the residue would turn to powder and evaporate into the atmosphere, rendering the surrounding area extremely contagious. This led to catastrophic events, as both the town of Barabazon and the resort of Celeste were nuked to quell the resulting epidemics caused by the Goreburster.


As an Egg[]

"Man, you scientists are skittish. I've seen dozens of these things."
"Well, I've seen hundreds. That egg is infected... And if that microorganism can invade an alien, think of it loose in the world. No, it cannot be allowed. Even you can see that, I'm sure."
Jer and a Gaianet Scientist (from Aliens: Kidnapped)

The Goreburster began life as an egg laid by a Queen, as most Xenomorphs did. At some point, it was present within a crashed starship that was likely overrun by a Xenomorph outbreak. However, under unknown circumstances, this particular Ovomorph had mutated, developing a sickly pink color.

After smugglers Andy, Jer and Eric infiltrated the starship and killed the lone Queen, they began procuring Ovomorphs to sell to the Gaianet company. Jer found the pink Ovomorph, and was hesitant to retrieve it. Andy, however, was dismissive, and they ultimately returned the egg to the ship. Though Andy and Jer attempted to sell the egg to a Gaianet scientist, he refused, citing that it was dangerous, and instead paid the two extra to dispose of the egg responsibly. Instead of heeding the scientists words, Andy and Jer ultimately sold the egg to barman Uncle Saul within the the suburburn town of Barabazon. Saul then called media personality Darryl Zither and presented the egg to him, believing it would pique his curiosity.

After closely inspecting the pink egg, a Facehugger suddenly leapt out and subdued Zither, impregnating him with the Goreburster. The latter was dragged out of Saul's bar and dumped back at his apartment where he was abandoned.

Birth and Terror on Celeste[]


The Goreburster erupts from Zither and attacks Derringer.

"Apparently, this particular Alien carries a contagion. We are certain that it is spread through a pink fluidw which it secretes. After drying, it turns to powder, and becomes airbourne."
―A government official's description of the creauture (from Aliens: Kidnapped)

Zither was eventually awoken by CEO of the company "Skank", Ivy Derringer, who had invited him to a tour on her recently terraformed resort known as Celeste the day prior. After being taken to her starship, the lethargic Zither's condition began to increasingly deteriorate, and after being taken to her private quarters for intercourse, the creature suddenly exploded out of him and immediately attacked Derringer. Ivy attempted to fight off the creature by smashing it on a glass table, but it ultimately killed her after tearing her throat.[2]


The Goreburster's corpse, found by Drummond's security team.

Upon landing on Celeste, the Goreburster escaped the ship by killing Brewster, one of Derringer's crew. It then began a rampage across the leisure paradise, attacking and brutally killing several patrons and employees, leaving a slimy pink trail wherever it went.[2]

Death and Legacy[]

Eventually, it was tracked and found dead by Celeste's security forces, led by Drummond. However its death didn't end the chaos; the Orbolab in orbit of Celeste analysed the Goreburster and discovered that the creature carried an immensely deadly contagion. Tracing its origin back to Barabazon, both areas were subject to total nuclear destruction to prevent the epidemic from spreading further, killing everyone within both vicinities.[2]

List of Notable Victims[]


  • Initially nameless (fan-named the "Bodyburster"), the Goreburster was retroactively named after the Colonial Marines Operations Manual retconned the creature into a new strain of Xenomorph, and re-introduced it into canon.
  • If indirect victims are taken into account, the Goreburster could be the deadliest Xenomorph ever encountered within the franchise, as it is responsible for the nuking of two colonies, undoubtably causing hundreds, if not thousands of deaths.




  1. Ridley Scott, Laurence F. Knapp, Andrea F. Kulas. Ridley Scott: Interviews, p. 47 (2005), University Press of Mississippi.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Jim Woodring, Justin Green. Aliens: Kidnapped (1998), Dark Horse Comics.