
Alien3: Terminal Addiction is a set of two, double-page spread, comic strip short stories that were published by Dark Horse Comics in its UK-based Aliens magazine, Vol. 2 #12, in June 1993. The comics serve as advertisements for the Alien3 video game on the SNES and Game Boy consoles.

In the Aliens comics line, Alien3: Terminal Addiction was preceded by Aliens: Horror Show, published concurrently with Aliens: Colonial Marines, Aliens: Rogue and Aliens: Sacrifice, and was followed by Aliens: Taste and Aliens: Crusade.


The first short comic shows a boy sitting in front of his TV, playing the Alien3 video game on his SNES console, only to find himself sucked into the game itself. After fighting off Xenomorphs with assault rifles and flamethrowers, he is finally subdued by a Facehugger, only to suddenly awake and realize the entire experience was a hallucination. But as he sits in front of his TV, an Alien emerges from the shadows behind him...

The second short comic shows a boy walking down the street, playing the Alien3 video game on his 8-bit handheld Game Boy console, unaware that he has become a part of the game itself. The boy has become so fixated on the game that he doesn't realize a Xenomorph is sneaking up behind him, until it attacks...

Reprint History

Alien3: Terminal Addiction has never been collected or reprinted.


While the comic promoting Alien 3 on SNES starts off with a title box that shows the official Alien 3 logo along with the the subtitle 'Terminal Addiction', the comic promoting Alien 3 on Nintendo's Game Boy did not show the official Alien 3 logo anywhere in the comic, and the comic's subtitle 'Terminal Addiction' was only used in a caption box within the comic itself.

