
This article covers the known missions in the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation, including every mission in the released game as well as the known unreleased missions that were cut from the finished product.

Each mission is listed by file name and, where applicable, its working title. Each is accompanied by a description of the mission, and the known maps which it is (or would have been) played on.

M01 - Mission One, "Closing the Book"

Codename: "TORRENS" or "M01_INTRO_TORRENS"'

Description: "Amanda awakes and meets up with the crew on The Torrens."

Alternate Description: "An opening mission similar to Halo, where the player would set control scheme upon awaking from hypersleep and be introduced to The Torrens, specifically Verlaine."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "BSP_TORRENS" (presumably the cut alternate version of the mission would also play on this map).

M02 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M02_Patna"

Description: "Amanda boards The Solace, finds out about some passengers, and has an encounter with an organism on board before the ship breaks apart."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, which would have originally taken place on the map titled "SOLACE", this was re-purposed into The Anesidora after the Dry Dock was removed from the final game. The Dry Dock map would have presumably originally housed The Anesidora. Strangely, the codename found in the soundbanks for the Solace mission was "M02_Patna", hinting that the Solace was the later-in-development version of the Patna, another ship cut from the game that is seen in the book The Art of Alien: Isolation.

M03 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

Description: UNKNOWN

Known Sections:

  • Very little is known about this level, other than that a section took place in the map "TECH_HUB".

M04 - Mission Two, "Welcome to Sevastopol"


Description: "Amanda arrives on Sevastopol, navigates the Spaceflight Terminal and meets Axel, who is then killed."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "HAB_AIRPORT".

M05 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

Description: UNKNOWN

Known Sections:

  • Very little is known about this level, other than that a section took place in the map "TECH_HUB".

M06 - Mission Three, "Encounters"

Codename: "M06_TRAVEL_TO_COMMS"

Description: "Amanda has to sneak past some humans, upgrade a hack tool and void an encounter with the Alien."

Known Sections:

  • Part two, played on the map "TECH_HUB".

M07 - Mission Four, "Seegson Communications"

Codename: "M07_INSIDE_COMMS"

Description: "Amanda navigates Seegson Comms and recieves a motion tracker. She tries to re-activate comms before being chased by Working Joes."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "TECH_COMMS".
  • Part two, played on the map "TECH_HUB".

M08 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

Description: UNKNOWN

Known Sections:

  • Very little is known about this level, other than that a section took place in the map "SCI_HUB".

M09 - Mission Five, "The Quarantine"


Description: "After learning about Taylor's injury in the previous mission, Amanda goes to Medical to try and get a health kit. She encounters Kuhlman and the Xenomorph."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "SCI_HUB".
  • Part two, played on the map "SCI_HOSPITALUPPER".

M10 - Mission Six, "The Outbreak"


Description: "Amanda navigates the lower hospital area and escapes with a close encounter from the Xeno in a trap set by Marshal Waits."

Known Sections:

  • Part one (codenamed "E3"), played on the map "SCI_HOSPITALLOWER".

M11 - Mission Seven, "Seegson Synthetics"

Codename: "M11_SAVING_KANE"

Description: "Amanda arrives in Seegson Synthetics after avoiding the debris from Wait's trap. She has to repair an elevator to continue back to Taylor."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "SCI_ANDROIDLAB".
  • Part two - nothing is known about this section of the mission, however a subtitle file exists for it in the console build of the game.

M12 - Mission Eight, "Haven"

Codename: "M12_TASK_FOR_WAIT"

Description: "Amanda meets back up with Taylor and Samuels who are now with Marshal Waits and Ricardo. Amanda goes to restart the tram system so that Taylor can be taken to the Marshal HQ."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "SCI_HUB".
  • Part three, played on the map "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE".

M13 - Mission Nine, "Beacon"

Codename: "M13_LV426"

Description: "You play as Marlow on LV426 and learn of how the Xeno got onto Sevastopol."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "BSP_LV426_PT01".
  • Part two, played on the map "BSP_LV426_PT02".
  • Part three - not much is known about this section but it is referenced in the game files, and shown to take place on a map called "BSP_LV426_PT03". From concept art, we can take a guess that this section would have taken place back on-board The Anesidora after the Facehugger attack. It is likely this was cut as it would have been too similar to the film Alien.

M14 - Mission Ten, "The Trap"


Description: "The player tries to trap the Xenomorph and ends up ejecting it in a detachable lab. Marshal Waits ejects Amanda with the Xeno and she has to escape back to Sevastopol."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE".
  • Part two, played on the map "TECH_HUB".
  • Part three, played on the map "TECH_RND".
  • Part four, played on the map "TECH_RND_HZDLAB".

M15 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M15_JUST_A_NAME" and "M15_Justa_Name"

Description: "Amanda is back on Sevastopol and has to track down Marlow as he has the Nostromo Black Box. He goes through the Executive Suites and on to The Anesidora."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, supposedly played on the map "TECH_RND_HZDLAB". Amanda is back on Sevastopol and sent after Marlow who has the Nostromo Black Box.
  • Part two, Amanda hears a recording from Ransome and Waits tracks Marlow down to the Josiah Sigg Executive Suites (which are later seen in Survivor Mode DLC maps). She potentially goes back to the Marshal Bureau in this section as the map "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE" is referenced along with M15, which is the map that holds the Marshal Bureau.
  • Part three, Waits continues to talk to Amanda as she goes towards Medical to get a shuttle to the Executive Suites.
  • Part four, Amanda arrives at Medical and comes across some Anesidora crew members and their medical records, they are in induced comas. The medical notes are quite detailed so it's probably easier if you read for yourself! Amanda finds a keycard used by Barker to access the shuttle. She seems to hear Kuhlman and Morley arguing about a quarantine breach. Three sound effect files still exist in the game for this section of the mission, titled "M15_Move_Patient_Records" - 1, 2 and 3.
  • Part five, Amanda arrives at the Executive Suites and finds information about Ransome, noting that she spotted him dead on The Solace previously. The Executive Suites are damaged and there is a message about a quarantine breach. The damage that is mentioned in this section is seen frequently in concept art and is also mentioned in The Art of Alien: Isolation. Marlow has left the apartments to go to The Anesidora, and Waits tells Ripley to follow him. A large number of mission-specific sound effects remain in the game for this section of the mission, including the door of Ransome's apartment being jammed, a projector, hacking a door and "Ransome's Secret Back Door". A number of music tracks also exist for this mission in general, some of which seem to have been re-used in DLC Survivor Mode missions. References can be seen in the game files to "ANESIDORA_M15Load" and "ANESIDORA_M15Load_2" linked to the "SOLACE" map, so it is presumed that at one point Amanda would have visited the Anesidora in this mission, and not "M2703" as shown in the cut scripts.

M16 - Mission Eleven, "Hazard Containment"

Codename: "M16_RETURN_TO_MHQ"

Description: "Amanda arrives back on Sevastopol and has to avoid the rogue Working Joes who have had their priorities changed by Apollo to attack on sight. Waits is killed."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "HAB_AIRPORT".
  • Part two, played on the map "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE".

M17 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

Description: "Ricardo has seemingly been shot. Samuels and Taylor go on the run to The Torrens telling Verlaine that Ripley was killed in action. Marlow agrees to help direct Ripley to them."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, which presumably would have taken place on the "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE" map, as this is the map which holds the Marshal Bureau.

M21 - Mission Twelve, "Synthetic Solution"


Description: "Amanda leaves Ricardo in the Marshal HQ to find Samuels. After avoiding many Working Joes, Amanda find Samuels who dies, but opens the way to Apollo in the process."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "SCI_ANDROIDLAB".
  • Part two, played on the map "SCI_HUB".

M22 - Mission Thirteen, "Consultation"

Codename: "M22_ALL_FATHER_CORE"

Description: "Amanda travels to Apollo and learns that Sevastopol was purchased by Weyland Yutani after the Xeno outbreak."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "TECH_MUTHRCORE".

M25 - Mission Fourteen, "The Descent"

Codename: "M25_ROCK_BOTTOM"

Description: "Amanda leaves Apollo and navigates the Reactor Core before entering The Nest. She purges the nest, which kills many Xenomorphs but sets many loose on the station."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, played on the map "ENG_REACTORCORE".
  • Part two, played on the map "ENG_ALIEN_NEST".
  • Part three, played on the map "ENG_REACTORCORE".

M26 - Not in Final Game

Codename: UNKNOWN

Description: "Marlow cuts his way out of the Marshal cell and hands over the flight recorder. Ripley agrees with his plan to blow up something to destroy Sevastopol. Ricardo tries to set up a line to talk to Verlaine. Amanda seems to know a lot more about the backstory of her mother and The Company in general than she does in the final game."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, Ripley talks to Marlow and listens to Waits' final audio log. Marlow cuts his way out of the cells and they agree to go and try to blow up The Anesidora to destroy Sevastopol, it seems Ricardo agrees to open a line to contact Verlaine on The Torrens to tell her of the plan. This would most likely have taken place on the map "HAB_SHOPPINGCENTRE" since this is where The Marshal Bureau is.
  • Part two, Ripley and Marlow encounter some hostile NPCs on the way to The Dry Docks and the player seems to have the choice of killing them or letting them live.

M27 - Mission Fifteen, "The Message"

Codename: "M27_ANESIDORA" and "M27_Solace"

Description: "Amanda uses the Seegson Executive Transport to travel to The Anesidora where Marlow has taken Taylor. Marlow blows up The Anesidora, killing Taylor. Amanda escapes."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, takes place on the map "SCI_HUB".
  • Part two, takes place on the map "SCI_HOSPITALLOWER".
  • Part three, takes place on the map "SOLACE". The "SOLACE" map is used for the Anesidora, but it has some interesting backstory. It is believed that the Anesidora's map is an altered version of a map used for the original Mission 2 where Amanda would board a ship called the Solace. It seems that the Solace was re-purposed for the Anesidora.
  • Alternate part three, believed to take place on the cut map "ENG_DRYDOCK" or "ENG_DRYDOCKCARGO". This section would have fitted into the alternate storyline from the cut missions, where Marlow and Ripley arrive at the Dry Dock where the Anesidora is being stripped by Working Joes. Marlow tries to overheat the ship as the manual detonation controls have been taken out, but something goes wrong and the blast doesn't have the effect they wanted it to.

M29 - Not in Final Game

Codename: "M29_PLAN_B"

Description: "Amanda goes to the orbital stabilisers in a final attempt to destroy Sevastopol. She also sees the nest which has grown in size."

Known Sections:

  • Part 1, 2 and 4 - these sections are presumed to take place in the cut maps "ENG_COOLINGPLANT", "ENG_WASTECHUTE", "ENG_WASTEMANAGEMENT" and "ENG_GRAVITY_ANCHOR". The Gravity Anchors are seen extensively in concept art, and the Waste Chute also makes an appearance, but I haven't been able to find any concept art of the Waste Management area or Cooling Plant.

M30 - Mission Sixteen, "Transmission"


Description: "Ricardo opens the way for Amanda to spacewalk out to the communications antenna. She uses it to communicate with The Torrens and request an evac."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, takes place on the map "TECH_COMMS".

M32 - Mission Seventeen, "Desolation"


Description: "Amanda navigates through the penthouse area of Sevastopol to get back to the Spaceflight Terminal and go on to the Tow Platform."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, takes place on the map "HAB_CORPORATEPENT".
  • Part three, takes place on the map "HAB_AIRPORT".

M33 - Mission Eighteen, "Tomorrow, Together"

Codename: "M33_SHOWDOWN"

Description: "Amanda extends the docking clamp to The Torrens but is taken to the new nest before she leaves Sevastopol. Eventually she gets back to the Tow Platform and detaches The Torrens."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, takes place on the map "ENG_TOWPLATFORM".
  • Another reference of M33 is seen on the "BSP_TORRENS" map, however no parts are specified. It is possible that the developers originally intended M33 to be the final level with two parts, but eventually decided to give the final Torrens section its own mission number instead.

M34 - Mission Nineteen, "Isolation"

Codename: "M34_EPILOGUE"

Description: "Amanda is back on The Torrens leaving Sevastopol, however a Xeno has also got on board and pushes her into the airlock. She ejects herself with the Xeno and the game ends."

Known Sections:

  • Part one, takes place on the map "BSP_TORRENS".

See Also
